We are pleased to announce that we stock few Oasis Fans Club merchandising to be given away at the imminent Liam Gallagher gig at Summer Festival to be held in Piazza Napoleone, LUCCA on 6 July 2022.
On this particular occasion we teamed with Three Stroke Productions to reprint 100 copies of our fanzine issue 37 dedicated to AS YOU WERE record. It was our first fanzine for Liam Gallagher as solo with 24 full colour pages containing all As You Were official lyrics, discography and many unseen pictures by Henry Ruggeri. More details available here
Reprinted copies have a different cover from the one we still sell on our store and was made to be given to some lucky madferit to celebrate Liam Gallagher’s only gig in Italy this summer.

But that’s not all of it. There will also be stickers and postcards to be given away the same day of the gig.

How you can get the merch? We are still working on how and when. Further details to follow on our social network accounts and on this page. Please be sure to follow us on Instagram/Facebook stories (5-6 July) for last minute updates in real time. And get in touch if you wanna offer your help in distributing the merch, could be much appreciated